10/18/2023 - Lending, Capital Markets, and the New Banking Environment
Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Category: Events
REIC - Lending, Capital Markets, and the New Banking Environment with Mike Davis, Allison Luzier, Joe Chillura, and Jeffrey Cash. Please join us as we have assembled an expert panel to discuss the new lending and banking environment, capital markets, and how to overcome difficulties of obtaining financing. This experienced panel will provide a market update and perspective from a borrower/lender/broker and will enlighten us with the new market realities of obtaining and renewing loans, construction financing, and alternative financing vehicles. The talented panel will share candid unvarnished information on what is currently occurring in the commercial real estate debt market. Wednesday, October 18, 2023 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. UNIVERSITY OF TAMPA BAY $50/YP REIC members- $70/REIC members- $95/non-members Contact: Jade Gooding, [email protected] |