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A Candid Look Back with Mayor Buckhorn
University Club of Tampa
201 N. Franklin Street
Tampa, Florida 33602
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Category: Events

A Candid Look Back with Mayor Buckhorn


Join REIC on Wednesday, October 17th, as we have a fireside chat with Mayor Buckhorn – hear his candid thoughts on his proudest achievements, biggest disappointments, what remains on his wish list that he would like to see come to fruition under future administrations, and "words of wisdom" for his successor.

When you register, you have the opportunity to submit a question! 

Bob Buckhorn is the mayor of Tampa, Florida – a city that has recently been recognized as a top city for entrepreneurs (Forbes), the best city in the southeast (Money Magazine), one of the hottest cities for startups (Fortune), top city to invest in housing (Forbes), and one of the fastest growing metro areas in the country (U.S. Census). From its vibrant and rapidly expanding urban core, to the unending charm of its diverse neighborhoods, Tampa’s time has come.  

After a long history of service to the City of Tampa, Bob Buckhorn was elected as the 58th mayor of Tampa, where he leads over 4,300 dedicated, hard-working, and forward-thinking civil servants.  Read more about the Mayor ...

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The University Club of Tampa
5:30 pm - Cocktails
6:30 pm - Dinner
7:00 pm - Program

$60.00 – Members
$75.00 – Non-members

NEW - price for Young Professional Members (under 35) - $35

Online pre-registration closes 10/15/18
You must login for member price
No refunds or cancellations after 10/15/18

Contact: Jade Gooding or Sherry Smith, [email protected]; [email protected]